Patch 0.3.6 — Interim Update!

This is a rather small patch aimed at fixing some bugs introduced in 0.3.5, balancing a few things, and  preparing for the major combat update next patch. With that we’ll keep things short and sweet for these patch notes.



End of game accolades have been adjusted to reward combat, as well as power use, board movement, and more! There’s also now a lot more AP to earn toward the end of the game, so aim for accolade bonuses if you can!


“Bloodlust” Accolade now rewards 75 AP. (Up from 55). (Awarded for winning the most battles).

“Unluckiest Player” Accolade now rewards 40 AP (Down from 50).

“Penny Pincher” Accolade now rewards 40 AP. (Down from 55). (Awarded for spending the least in the shop).

“Bully Me Not” Accolade now rewards 60 AP. (Up from 55). (Awarded for being targeted the most).

“Speed Devil” Accolade now rewards 45 AP. (Up from 30). (Awarded for taking turns the fastest).


:: Awards 30 AP to the player who collected the most powerups.

NEW ACCOLADE: Wannabe Mage

:: Awards 20 AP to the player who used their power the most.


:: Awards 30 AP to the player who moved the highest number of spaces on the board.




FOR NEWBIES – The game will now periodically display help tips via chat! These tips help explain some controls, techniques, and game elements. These tips can be turned off by typing “/silencetips“. But take time to read them all!



NEEDS MORE SALT – The “Taste of Death” Quest now only requires 300 damage to be dealt to other players. (Down from 400).

AUCTIONS COUNT – The “Mad Shopper” Quest will now proc when purchasing an item through an auction, but now requires 5 items to be bought worth more than 100 AP. (Up from 4).



CHEAPER – Clever Disguise

:: Cost decreased from 70 AP to 50 AP.

CHANGED – Dashkai’s Blood Tome

:: When activated, deals 50 damage to the user (Up from 20). And restores 8 energy. (Up from 5).

CHANGED – Dovan’s Dog Whistle

:: Cost decreased from 60 AP to 45 AP.

:: Can be activated to deal 20 damage to a target enemy. This damage is doubled if the target is below 50% health. (4-round cooldown).

:: Damage dealt by this item is reduced by 50% when in combat.



Item cooldowns are now displayed separately from the item’s description for readability.

Fixed a bug where the “Titan” charm would not properly grant max health.

Fixed a bug where Sprint would not deal damage to targets the player passed by.

The camera now properly follows a player as they move across the board.

Fixed a bug where the Roll UI would sometimes gets stuck.

Fixed a bug where player name-tags didn’t disappear when in combat.

Fixed a bug where the “Taste of Death” Quest wouldn’t track damage dealt in combat.




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